
Hey, I'm Megan!

Let's dive into literacy together!

I am a lover of ALL things literacy and I create engaging, hands-on literacy resources that keep students interested and involved in reading and writing!

Teachers… I get it.

You are set to teach 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade… and you are SO excited, yet you have students below grade level, a few above grade level, and then the ones on grade level. Planning and preparing lessons are hard. Reaching all students can be a challenge.

We have all been there.

Thing is, we don’t have to let the “rollercoaster roster” defeat us! We CAN absolutely reach our students and watch growth happen right before our eyes! Sometimes we need a bit of encouragement and support, and I am here to help!

Don’t do teacher life alone.

I truly believe in the power of collaboration and sticking together as a team. I have loved supporting students and their teachers (YOU) by way of sharing actionable tips, ideas, strategies, and resources. Connections are powerful and this blog is one of the few ways I love diving into literacy with others. I also love sharing ideas on Instagram and speaking on all things literacy through my podcast!

So let me help you.

You are working hard enough… most likely several hours over your contracted time. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, to start from scratch, or to search tirelessly for literacy resources to reach your students’ needs. I would love to step in and dive into literacy alongside you! I cannot wait to share tips, ideas, and proven-to-work strategies.

I am so glad you are here!

Let's Stay Connected!