16 Tips to Nail Your Virtual Interview!
Each year, teacher interviews are happening. I know the basic nerves kick in, but now with an added layer like everything being VIRTUAL… I know
Each year, teacher interviews are happening. I know the basic nerves kick in, but now with an added layer like everything being VIRTUAL… I know
It is definitely that “time of year” where students get tired, lose motivation, and have a lack of energy when it comes to engaging with
Have you been seeing other people print on sticky notes and wonder how in the world they do that?!? Here are 4 quick steps to
Ready to merge vocabulary AND writing TOGETHER?!! Grab this sample of high-impact writing prompts that will give meaningful practice with both important skills! Perfect for 2nd-6th grade teachers!
Hey, I’m Megan! I am a lover of ALL things literacy and I create engaging, hands-on literacy resources that keep students interested and involved in reading and writing!
You’re in the right place if you are ready to enhance your literacy instruction by providing your students with high-quality experiences to help foster independence and growth!