7 Test Prep Ideas for Every Learning Style


It’s that time of year again. Test season. Although it seems crazy to continue with testing despite the inconsistent year everyone has had, the show must go on right? This time of year is an important opportunity to fill in the gaps and squeeze in some extra practice. Let’s take a look at how we can best prepare your students while having a little fun too!

My number one piece of advice is to avoid overusing traditional test prep, which involves individually reading long passages and answering many questions in one sitting.  These test prep strategies I share today include tips that you can use all throughout the school year. This episode is all about helping you and your students feel confident for the test. You’ve got this!

In this episode I share:
  • How to break up test prep to avoid student burn out
  • My belief of effort over a high test score
  • 7 engaging test prep strategies that will accommodate all learning styles
  • Why you should be incorporating peer collaboration into prep

How are you planning to tackle test prep this season? Send me a message on Instagram @missps_style and let me know!

Resources mentioned in this episode:
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About The Literacy Dive Podcast:

Do you find yourself seeking new ideas when it comes to literacy instruction in elementary classrooms? The Literacy Dive Podcast was created to offer actionable steps and to share information for teachers, like you, who are always looking to improve their craft! ELA is our jam and we are excited to dive into all things reading and writing with you!

Your host, Megan Polk, is the creator and owner behind Miss P’s Style. She is a literacy specialist and loves to support students and their teachers with curriculum, literacy instruction, best practices, and engaging literacy activities. Through this podcast, she will share literacy tips and strategies that she has learned from the many years of experience she holds from being an elementary teacher and literacy specialist. Megan has taught all elementary grades (K-5), but an intense passion and love for upper elementary came about!

Dive in with us every Monday for a new episode from Megan! She, and her guests, will chat about various literacy topics and will bring you tips and tricks that can easily be implemented in your classrooms… immediately!

You can tune in wherever you get your podcasts! Listen to The Literacy Dive Podcast on platforms like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, and more! If you find value from listening to this podcast, please rate this show, leave a review, and subscribe!

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Hey, I'm Megan!

I am a literacy specialist and curriculum designer who loves sharing tips and ideas to help students thrive in literacy! It brings me joy to await those a-ha moments and to see light bulbs turn on!

I have a huge passion for reading and writing and love to co-mingle the two any chance I get! You can expect to learn new strategies and ways to keep your students engaged during your literacy block! I am so glad you’re here!

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