3 Read Alouds for World Kindness Day

Welcome back to The Literacy Dive! In this episode, I will be highlighting 3 book recommendations that lend themselves to teaching and spreading kindness. Below you will find a brief overview of each text. It is important to expose students to a variety of texts with different themes. Allow time for discussion to occur after reading one or more of these texts. As stated in episode 4, kindness should be a focus throughout the year so these books can far extend past World Kindness Day on November 13th.

Teacher Tip 1:

Always pre-read text prior to reading it to your class. By doing this, you are able to ensure it is a good fit for your students and you can also prepare, in advance, for places where you will need to provide clarity or dive deeper into what the author is saying.

Teacher Tip 2:

Books can be found at libraries, local bookstores, or by streaming them on a website like YouTube. You can also purchase books from Amazon. I will link to these books I am sharing with an affiliate link. There are many ways to access books in a printable or digital format.

In this episode I share:
  • Book Recommendation 1: Most People by Michael Leannah

Overview: Most people are kind. The idea is that we must teach children to be mindful and careful of people they don’t know, but we must teach them to understand that most people are kind, and even if someone makes a poor choice, they still have a seed of goodness inside and can change for the better.

Overview: A new girl enters a new school and is not well received by existing students in the class. Another girl in the class is pretty mean and rude to her. Toward the end of the book, Maya, is gone… she is no longer in the classroom… or at the school. It causes reflection and a heart shift within Chloe, the girl who was not very kind to the new girl in school. The power of this book – it is told in the perspective of Chloe.

Overview: An amazing dynamic between a boy and his grandmother; they ride the bus often. The boy has many questions and his nana helps CJ, her grandson, see the beauty in the world. She helps him to see the world differently by acts of kindness toward others and finding beauty in unlikely places.

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About The Literacy Dive Podcast:

Do you find yourself seeking new ideas when it comes to literacy instruction in elementary classrooms? The Literacy Dive Podcast was created to offer actionable steps and to share information for teachers, like you, who are always looking to improve their craft! ELA is our jam and we are excited to dive into all things reading and writing with you!

Your host, Megan Polk, is the creator and owner behind Miss P’s Style. She is a literacy specialist and loves to support students and their teachers with curriculum, literacy instruction, best practices, and engaging literacy activities. Through this podcast, she will share literacy tips and strategies that she has learned from the many years of experience she holds from being an elementary teacher and literacy specialist. Megan has taught all elementary grades (K-5), but an intense passion and love for upper elementary came about!

Dive in with us every Monday for a new episode from Megan! She, and her guests, will chat about various literacy topics and will bring you tips and tricks that can easily be implemented in your classrooms… immediately!

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Hey, I'm Megan!

I am a literacy specialist and curriculum designer who loves sharing tips and ideas to help students thrive in literacy! It brings me joy to await those a-ha moments and to see light bulbs turn on!

I have a huge passion for reading and writing and love to co-mingle the two any chance I get! You can expect to learn new strategies and ways to keep your students engaged during your literacy block! I am so glad you’re here!

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