Listen to the full episode to hear literacy-based end of year activities:
We can feel it – it’s getting closer and closer each week. I’m talking about summer! While we’re all excited for the break, it has a lot of us teachers asking the magic question: What am I supposed to do the last few weeks of school?
This is one of my favorite times of the year, so I’m sharing engaging literacy-based end of year activities you can easily do with your students!
You’ve gotten through all the tough stuff of the school year, so now it’s time to have some fun! One of those ways is to allow student choice, where they’re more likely to engage and be interested in the given activity.
I really started to see a difference in my students and classroom when I established Fun Fridays! Having this created a novelty and way to incorporate creative lessons into the week.
Every literacy-based end of year activity involves engagement and fun, but educational at the same time. I love taking this time to explore literacy and get creative with reading and writing, while still honing in and developing those skills.
Although you might dread the last few weeks of school and scratch your head on what to do, I hope this episode offers you a new or different perspective.
Think of the end as a celebration of all that your students have learned and accomplished, and find ways to showcase those skills with these engaging literacy-based end of year activities!
If you try one of these engaging literacy-based activities and love it, let me know! Or if you have adapted the idea or created your own, tell me. I always love connecting and hearing your thoughts over on Instagram at @theliteracydive.
In this episode on end of year activities, I share:
- 7 engaging literacy-based end of year activities
- How student choice can greatly impact their enjoyment and engagement towards an activity
- Why incorporating Fun Fridays was a game-changer in my classroom
- The importance of celebrating the end of the year with skills they’ve already learned and mastered
Related Resources:
- Letter Writing Poster and Paper Freebie
- Independence Day Reading and Writing Activities Freebie
- Writing Center Posters and Writing Paper Templates
- Online Summer Classes Google Form
- Episode 80, 8 Ideas to Prevent Summer Slide
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About The Literacy Dive Podcast:
Do you find yourself seeking new ideas when it comes to literacy instruction in elementary classrooms? The Literacy Dive Podcast was created to offer actionable steps and to share information for teachers, like you, who are always looking to improve their craft! ELA is our jam and we are excited to dive into all things reading and writing with you!
Your host, Megan Polk, is the creator and owner behind The Literacy Dive and loves to support students and their teachers with curriculum, literacy instruction, best practices, and engaging literacy activities.
Dive in with us every Monday for a new episode from Megan! She, and her guests, will chat about various literacy topics and will bring you tips and tricks that can easily be implemented in your classrooms. You can tune in wherever you get your podcasts! Listen to The Literacy Dive Podcast on platforms like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, and more! If you find value from listening to this podcast, please rate this show, leave a review, and follow!
You can tune in wherever you get your podcasts! Listen to The Literacy Dive Podcast on platforms like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, and more! If you find value from listening to this podcast, please rate this show, leave a review, and follow!